CHEN Ke-ren,LI Jie,ZHOU Min,et al.Relationship between family cohesion,adaptability and prenatal depression: the mediating role of basic psychology needs satisfaction[J].Journal of Tianjin Medical University,2022,28(02):186-190.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Relationship between family cohesion,adaptability and prenatal depression: the mediating role of basic psychology needs satisfaction
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
陈可人1; 李洁2; 周敏3; 刘惠军1
(1. 天津医科大学心理学研究所,天津300070;2. 天津市女性生殖健康与优生重点实验室,天津300052;3. 天津市和平区新兴街社区卫生服务中心儿童保健科,天津 300070)
- Author(s):
CHEN Ke-ren1; LI Jie2; ZHOU Min3; LIU Hui-jun1
(1. Institute of Psychology,Tianjin Medical University,Tianjin 300070,China;2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Female Reproductive Health and Eugenics,Tianjin 300052,China;3. Department of Child Health Care,Xinxing Street Community Health Service Center,Tianjin 300070,China)
- 关键词:
产前抑郁; 家庭亲密度; 家庭适应性; 基本心理需要满足; 妊娠
- Keywords:
prenatal depression; family cohesion; family adaptability; basic psychological needs satisfaction; pregnancy
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Objective:To investigate the relationship between family cohesion and adaptability, basic psychological needs satisfaction and prenatal depression among women in late pregnancy. Methods: A total of 327 women in late pregnancy undergoing routine prenatal examination were investigated by overall sampling. A total of 300 valid questionnaires were collected.The average age of the subjects was(32.11±4.51) years old. Depressive symptoms,family cohesion,family adaptability and satisfaction level of basic psychological needs were investigated by PHQ-9 Depression Screening Scale,Basic Psychological Needs Scale Chinese version and Family Intimacy and Adaptability Scale Chinese version. Results:(1) The detection rate of depression in the sample was 19.33%,the history of adverse pregnancy(?字2=5.69,P=0.017),family cohesion(F=4.71,P=0.003) and family adaptability(F=3.83,P=0.029) had significant differences in depression scores.(2) There were significant differences in family cohesion(F=16.47-28.31,all P<0.001),family adaptability(F=18.14-24.17,all P<0.001) among pregnant women in basic psychological needs satisfaction and three dimensions.(3) Basic psychological needs satisfaction,autonomous needs satisfaction and relatedness satisfaction were negatively correlated with depression(r=-0.31~-0.24,all P<0.01).(4) Hierarchical regression showed that separated type(β=-3.06,P=0.012) could positively predict depression compared with enmeshed type in family cohesion. In basic psychological need satisfaction,autonomy need satisfaction(β=-3.15,P=0.002) could negatively predict depression among basic psychological need satisfaction. (5)Autonomy need satisfaction plays a partial mediating role in the influence of familycohesion(connected,enmeshed) on prenatal depression. Conclusion:Family cohesion and autonomy need satisfaction are important factors to predict prenatal depression.A high level of family cohesion can reduce prenatal depression by increasing the autonomy need satisfaction level of pregnant women.
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- 备注/Memo:
基金项目 国家社会科学基金(15BSH065)
作者简介 陈可人(1997-),女,硕士在读,研究方向:心理咨询与治疗;通信作者:刘惠军,E-mail:lhjun@tmu.edu.cn。
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