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 GAO Si-wen,LI Ze-kui,LI Xin,et al.CBCT analysis of patients with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis[J].Journal of Tianjin Medical University,2023,29(04):422-426.





CBCT analysis of patients with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis
GAO Si-wen14LI Ze-kui2LI Xin3ZHANG Juan1
1.Department of Prosthodontics;2.Department of Radiology;3.Department of Periodontics,Stomatological Hospital,Tianjin Medical University,Tianjin 300070,China;4.Department of Prosthodontics,Characteristic Medical Center of the Chinese People′s Armed Police Forces,Tianjin 300162,China
temporomandibular jointosteoarthritisclickingpaincone beam computed tomography
Objective:The cone-beam computer tomography(CBCT)imaging performance of osteoarthritis patients withtemporomandibular joint( TMJ) clicking and pain were measured and analyzed,and the characteristics of condyle position and osteoarthritis symptoms were compared. Methods:A total of 120 patients with TMJ osteoarthritis ( TMJOA) diagnosed by CBCT in the Stomatological Hospital of Tianjin Medical University from September 2015 to September 2018 were included in the experimental group. According to the clinical symptoms,40 patients were divided into joint clicking group,40 patients were joint pain group,40 patients were coexisting joint clicking and pain group. Another 40 asymptomatic patients were included in control group in the same period. Invivo5 software was used to measure and analyze CBCT data,including the morphplogy of condyle,the height of articular fossa,the joint space,and the diagnosis of condylar osteoarthropathy,and analysis of the CBCT imaging manifestations of patients with TMJOA. Results: Compared with the control group,the internal,external,anterior and posterior diameter,posterior space of the condyle,upper space and the height of the condyle head of the experimental group were all decreased ( all P<0.05). There was no statistical significance in the measurement of anterior space and fossa depth ( all P>0.05).The results of factorial design variance analysis showed that the bounce was significantly correlated with the left and right inner and outer diameter and the left and right condyle head ( all P<0.05). Pain was significantly correlated with left and right anterior and posterior diameter and left and right condylar head ( all P<0.05). The simultaneous presence of clicking and pain was significantly correlated with left and right internal and external diameters,left and right anterior and posterior diameters,left posterior space,left and right condyle head height and left articular fossa depth ( all P<0.05). In the asymptomatic group,the median condylar position took the largest proportion with 48/80 ( 60%),while posterior position took the largest proportion with 111/240( 46.25%) in experimental group. In the TMJOA signs,the constituent ratio of the absorption destruction type accounted for 43.58% ( 78/179),the hyperplastic sclerosing type accounted for 56.42%( 101/179) in the test group. Clicking group: the absorption destruction type accounted for 26.32%( 15/57),the hyperplastic sclerosing type accounted for 73.68%( 15/57). Pain group: the absorption destruction type accounted for 62.71%( 15/57),the hyperplastic sclerosing type accounted for 37.29%( 22/59).Clicking and pain group:the absorption destruction type accounted for 41.26%( 22/59),the hyperplastic sclerosing type accounted for 58.73%( 37/63). Most of the patients with joint clicking had the hyperplastic sclerosing type,while most of the patients with joint pain had the destructive type of condylar absorption ( P<0.05). Conclusion:In the CBCT findings of osteoarthritis patients with TMJ clicking and pain,the condylar mutates in smaller,and the condylar displaces backward. In patients with clicking,the sclerosis of condylar hyperplasia takes the most part,while the absorption destruction type takes the most part in patients with joint pain.


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基金项目: 天津市医学重点学科建设项目(TJYXZDXK-038A);天津医科大学口腔医院科研基金(2020YKYQ02)
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-07-10