|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]赵晓雪,侯菲菲,马腾飞,等.4 002名高校学生先天缺牙及牙齿畸形的现况调查[J].天津医科大学学报,2019,25(01):43-46.
 ZHAO Xiao-xue,HOU Fei-fei,MA Teng-fei,et al.Survey of hypodontia and morphology anomaly in 4 002 university undergraduates[J].Journal of Tianjin Medical University,2019,25(01):43-46.

4 002名高校学生先天缺牙及牙齿畸形的现况调查(PDF)




Survey of hypodontia and morphology anomaly in 4 002 university undergraduates
赵晓雪侯菲菲马腾飞武 京王慧娟孙艳伟张向宇
(天津医科大学口腔医学院儿童口腔科,天津 300070)
ZHAO Xiao-xue HOU Fei-fei MA Teng-fei WU Jing WANG Hui-juan SUN Yan-wei ZHANG Xiang-yu
(Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Stomatology, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China)
hypodontia morphology anomaly prevalence rates hottest site
目的:研究4 002名青年国人先天缺牙及牙齿畸形现况。方法:选取天津某医学院校4 002名学生,调查先天缺牙及牙齿畸形患病率并进行统计学分析, 抽取1个年级学生统计有先天缺牙或牙齿畸形个体的患牙数目。结果:先天缺牙患病率3.92%,下颌比上颌好发,女性患病率高于男性,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.40,P=0.04;χ2=6.49,P=0.01);牙齿畸形患病率4.97%,上颌比下颌好发,汉族患病率高于少数民族,差异有统计学意义(χ2=43.60,P=0.00;χ2=4.92,P=0.03)。先天缺牙好发于下颌侧切牙,牙齿畸形好发于上颌侧切牙。多数患者先天缺牙及牙齿畸形的数目为1~2颗。结论:先天缺牙患病率存在性别差异和上下颌差异,牙齿畸形患病率存在民族差异及上下颌差异,本研究结果将为口腔医生临床诊断和治疗提供参考。
Objective: To investigate the status of hypodontia and morphology anomaly of 4 002 young people in China. Methods: We carried out a prevalence survey involving 4 002 undergraduates aged 17 to 25 years old, who were recruited in one university of Tianjin. Statistical methods were used to analyze the prevalence of the hypodontia and morphology anomaly. Third year students were selected randomly to analyze the severity of hypodontia and morphology anomaly. Results: The prevalence of hypodontia was 3.92%. Hypodontia in mandibular and female was significantly different (χ2=4.40 P=0.04; χ2=6.49 P=0.01). The prevalence of morphology anomaly was 4.97%. The prevalence of morphology anomaly in maxillary and Han nationality was significantly higher(χ2=43.60 P=0.00; χ2=4.92 P=0.03). There was no significant difference among different regions of hypodontia and morphology anomaly. Mandibular lateral incisors and maxillary lateral incisors were the most common sites of hypodontia and morphology anomaly, respectively. Tooth agenesis was not severe. Conclusion: The results showed that the prevalence of hypodontia varied between different genders, while the prevalence of morphology anomaly varied among different nationalities. As for upper-lower jaw, the prevalence of hypodontia and morphology anomaly was significantly different. This study would provide references for clinical diagnosis and treatment of stomatologists.


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基金项目 2015年天津市卫生计生委科技基金攻关项目(15KG139)
作者简介 赵晓雪(1992-),女,硕士在读,研究方向:先天缺牙的遗传学研究及儿童口腔医学;通信作者:张向宇,E-mail:xzhang04@tmu.edu.cn。
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-03-01