XIA Yue1
; XIAO Dan-na2 ; WANG Lu2; GAO Hui2(1.Graduate School, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China; 2.Department of Orthodontic, Tianjin Stomatolgical Hospital,Tianjin 300040,China)
Objective :To study the characteristics of the sound of normal human masticating recorded by the bone-conducted microphone Methods: A total of 30 subjects were chosen randomly in the college, 13 male and 17 female. The average age of male was (26.8±2.1)years old, and female (26.3±1.8)years old. Four similar volume peanuts masticated by every subject were weighted (2.24±0.16)g. The sound of the subject masticting by the bone-conducted microphone of BONE VIBRATION HEADGEAR was recorded. The masticatory time(MT) and the number of masticatory cycles(MC) were branded by the praat 5.4.04 and the intensity of masticatory sound(MI) and the pitch of masticatory sound(MP) were calculated. The statistic difference and correlation between the male and female and the correlation among MI,MP,MC and MT were analysed. Results: The differences in male and female were not statistical significant (P< 0.05).The correlation coefficient between t MI and MT was 0.992(P<0.01),between MI and MC 0.844(P<0.01),between MT and MC 0.804(P<0.01).The correlations among MT,MC and MI were significant positive. And there was no correlation between MP and MC,MT .Conclusion: The energy consumption of normal humam masticatory could be reflected by the intensity of masticatory sound. There is no statistic difference between MP and MI in male and female.
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基金项目 国家临床重点专科建设项目(口腔正畸专业)(国卫医办函【2013】544号)
作者简介 夏樾(1989-),男,硕士在读,研究方向:口腔正畸学;通信作者:肖丹娜, E-mail:drxiaodanna@gmail.com。