Hepatitis C virus
; genotype; gene sequencing; Tianjin regionObjective :To study the HCV genotype in chronic hepatitis C patients and explore the distribution of hepatitis C in Tianjin region. Methods: Serum specimens from 252 patients hepatitis C were collected for genotype by gene sequencing technique. Results:In the 252 specimens with HCV infection, nine gene genotypes were detected, including 1b(59.9%),1a,1c,2a,2i,3a(12.7%),3b,4a and 6a. Significant difference was observed between HCV genotypes and HCV RNA,liver function (P<0.05). No significant difference between HCV genotypes and various liver diseases distribution was found (P>0.05). Conclusion:HCV 1b is the most prevalent type in Tianjin, followed by type 3a. HCV genotypes are associated with HCV RNA level and liver function.
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作者简介 金海涵(1979-),女,硕士在读,研究方向:临床检验诊断学 ;
通信作者:刘树业 ,E-mail:lshye@163.com。